Thursday, May 31, 2012


There are many things I write about but among these things there are also many things that I choose to keep to myself. Here is a post to explain the hiatus, if anyone bothers to keep track and notices my lack of 'updates'. Sometimes what I write here dates back to years ago when I first scripted them down but most of the time they come from my diary. Lately my thoughts have become too personal and I don't feel comfortable with sharing them. I'm not having insecurities, but I'm getting to understand myself better and I guess I was never one to tell others directly what I am. Despite saying all of that, I will not stop writing here. I'm currently embracing a long break whose end I do not wish to see at the moment. If there's one thing on my mind, it's probably getting my body clock back in order. I am not sleeping early though I have been faithfully turning in before midnight. I just wish to get more rest so I can write with a clearer mind.