School starts tomorrow. Orientation's gonna be tiring I heard it ends at 6 and it's a five-day thing. New school, new environment, new friends.... Currently faced with fear of the unknown, but honestly I'm gonna turn 17 I believe I can handle this, I'm not gonna be a baby and whine 'I don't wanna go to school because I scared!!' I mean, sooner or later in life there has to be times like this where I would be put in an unfamiliar environment so yeah I'll just face it man after all life goes on....and SA's a good school hurrah!!
Sigh I'm really not feeling excited or anything because I'm not completely ready for school so yeah if you wanna comfort me maybe you can just drop me a sad smiley lol okay it's just a stupid joke.
(For Grace: Hey I've written whatever I wanted to say in that letter, and yeah just wanna say again I'll miss you. Have fun in Sydney and do come back when you're free!! Keeping you in my prayers love! )
Hey gladys! i know it is a bit random but i think i need to talk to you. need some help (:
miss you tons too my dear stead! update the blog soon kay! and photos if possible!!! love ya lots.
YANNY! :D : Omg okay yeah what's up?
grace: haha okay yeah how's everything there? Hope it's all going well! (:
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